Who We are In Christ Jesus

in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling
of God in the Spirit.”.

 Ephesians 2:20–22

20 having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the cornerstone, 21 in whom the whole building, being joined together, is growing into a holy sanctuary in the Lord,  22 in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit.”.

A holy temple in the Lord, every new believer is a living stone in Christ’s spiritual temple, the church, which is His body of believers. The building of His church will be complete when all who are meant to believe in Him have come to faith.

As online gospel preachers, our mission is to share the truth of God’s Word globally. 

📖 Romans 10:14-15 – “How will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher?” 

➡ We serve as God’s messengers, making His Word accessible to  those who will come to faith through believing 

Through our online ministry, we accomplish Christ’s Great Commission by bridging hearts to His love and salvation. Let us stay faithful, knowing His Word never returns void (Isaiah 55:11).

🙏 May we keep being vessels of His truth, spreading the message of hope to the world. Amen!

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As an author with us, you join a community of believers dedicated to sharing Christ’s love through writing. Whether new or experienced, every writer has a place in this mission.

Through collaboration, encouragement, and creative expression, we work together to craft impactful and inspiring content that spreads the gospel’s message. 

Join us as we use our gifts and talents to glorify God and edify others through our writing.

Every believer has a unique story of encountering Jesus and experiencing His transformative power. We want to hear your story and share it with others to glorify God and encourage fellow believers.

Your story has the potential to inspire and uplift others, whether it’s a testimony of salvation, a story of answered prayer, or a message of God’s faithfulness during trials. Let your story be a testament to God’s goodness and grace.

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We joyfully take part in Jesus’s mission, helping to spread His message even further, just like He prayed for all who would come to believe through the words of His disciples.